Burning Man Spaces are Decommodified Spaces
At the heart of Burning Man culture is the spirit of volunteerism, and giving oneself to something out of joy, curiosity, or because you know it’s good for the world. Even in a year without Black Rock City, Burners came together to bring our vibrantly decommodified culture and community to life.
“When Burners show up in the world and make things happen, it can be a real ‘aha moment’ for people — they’re surprised at how much we contribute. Principles such as Decommodification have opened up more space for creativity and self-exploration.”
~ Harley K. Dubois, Founding Board Member and Chief Culture Officer (Burning Man LIVE podcast, Episode 36)
The two-year pause in building Black Rock City allowed us to explore ways to further remove commercial interests from our desert Home. This resulted in big changes for Black Rock City 2022: we are no longer allowing delivered housing units as part of the OSS program; and we will not be selling coffee in Center Camp.

Burning Man Hive
In early 2021 we had many conversations with Burners. You told us you were eager to spark collaborations and discuss the role of diversity and sustainability in the future of Burning Man. In response, we rolled out Burning Man Hive. It didn’t take long for Hive users to jump from a few hundred to a few thousand; groups emerged, and projects blossomed.
We know YOU are the source of the solutions the community is seeking. Hive groups are busy discussing renewable technologies, Radical Inclusion, Burning Man art, getting back to Black Rock City, and more. Add your voice!

“Hive became a space to bridge the perceived boundary between Burning Man Project and the community, connecting year-round staff, volunteers, BRC participants, BWB, Regional communities and those who are new to Burning Man culture.”
~ Karen Jacobs ‘KJ’, Learning Manager